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Weight Loss/Wellness Workshop

I signed up for the workshop for health reasons and lifestyle changes/menopause.

This workshop will enlighten you on the subjects of nutrition facts, the food labels, weight loss, and health concerns, stress factors, and how important life changes are.

I thought I was eating most of the right foods and amounts of those foods. But I was not losing weight and tended to gain or stay the same weight.

I found out through this workshop that I was not eating enough calories or the proper balance of protein, carbs, veggies and fruit to keep my metabolism working properly.

I would highly recommend this workshop just to find out what information you might be missing and to work one on one with a very knowledgeable dietitian Juanita.  

E. S.

I signed up for improved health. I wanted to lose weight to decrease joint pain

One of the biggest benefits of attending the Weight Loss/Wellness Workshop was that I learned that it doesn't have to be perfect. Small changes can be quite significant.

I enjoyed having a "health coach" and support from the other members of the group that helped me with nutrition and wellness. At the end of the sessions, my weight is at the lowest it has been and my blood pressure is great. My physician thinks I can come off of some of my BP meds.

The workshop provides a means to learn more about diet, nutrition, and wellness. The facilitator  was very encouraging at all times. I've made several positive changes to my lifestyle as a result.


I signed up for health reasons. I had low energy, feeling bad, have new diagnosis of lupus and fibromyalgia.

After attending the workshop, I feel so much better physically - not sluggish. I attribute this to my lifestyle changes of eating.  I am no longer drinking diet pop; have begun to drink lots of water every day. Am eating more fruits and veggies, less processed foods. I have decreased my snacking to almost none.

The wellness workshop covered such a wide variety of topics that it went beyond what I was expecting.

I would recommend this workshop if you are wanting to get more energy, not just weight loss. You will be amazed at the benefits besides just weight loss that you will achieve. This is weight loss, lifestyle change, motivational course that addresses mind, body and soul.



"At the end of the sessions, my weight is at the lowest it has been and my blood pressure is great. My physician thinks I can come off of some of my BP meds."    BE



"You will be amazed at the benefits besides just weight loss that you will achieve. This is weight loss, lifestyle change, motivational course that addresses mind, body, and soul."  D.T.

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