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Ways to save money on groceries

I am on a budget. That includes what I spend at the grocery store for food. I am always on the lookout for ways to save.

In this post, I would like to share ways to save the green and to still have healthy food to eat.

1) Start with a plan. This plan is a weekly menu for what foods you will at the different meals. This is the core guide for what you will put on your list.

2) Make a list. Stick to the list! Adding foods as you go up and down the aisles that are not on your list adds cost.

3) Don't go to the grocery store when you are hungry. You will end up with a lot of junk food and many food choices that you did not intend to buy because everything looks appealing when you are hungry. These are typically the foods that also are expensive, not just for your health but also for your pocketbook as well.

4) Bargain shop. Go online and check the specials of several grocery stores that are close proximity to each other. For instance, I live in an area where two major grocery stores are right across the street from each other. Grocery store A has peaches on sale, Grocery store B does not. Grocery store B has whole grain bread on sale.

5) Use food coupons and grocery store savings cards. For using the coupons, go on days where you can double your coupons.

6) Buy generic brands or store brands instead of national brands. In a lot of cases, you are getting the exact same food, packaged in the same distribution center. If you buy a 'brand' name product, in most cases you are helping the company to pay for its advertising.

7) Buy fresh vegetables and fruit in season. Summer is the time to buy strawberries, but not in the winter.

8) It may be more economical to buy frozen or canned (no salt added) than it is to buy fresh.

9) Remake food choices. For instance if you have chicken for a meal on Monday, Remake a dish that includes chicken in a couple of days to use the leftovers. Have chicken salad in a sandwich.

10) Think outside the proverbial box when you think groceries. The Dollar store sells groceries. Aldi is another place where there are nice selections of fruits and vegetables but at much lower cost. A local farmers market may also be a place to buy fresh produce at a lower cost.

You really don't have to skimp on the food to obtain healthy choices and still save money.

I am looking for feedback on the post. Email me at to share your thoughts.


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