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Understanding label lingo

Juanita Weaver-Reiss

I am very visual. I would rather have picture of something than a bunch of words on a page. So that is why this blog is about the whole grain stamps that are now on many foods in the grocery store.

It helps me to quickly identify what kind of food I am holding in my hand, and is that a food that will help me in my health quest to make half of my grains whole.

If a product has the stamp on the left, the 100% stamp, all of its grain ingredients are whole grain. If a product has this stamp it has to have at least 16 grams of whole grains per serving.

The basic stamp is on the right side. It would show the product would have at least 8 grams of whole grain, or a half of a serving. It may also contain some refined grain in the food

Each stamp will also display a number that tells you how many grams of whole grain ingredients are in a serving of food.

So when you go to the grocery store the next time, look for the stamp that tells you the amount of grams of whole grain per serving in the food.

Aim to eat 48 grams of whole grains every day and good health to you.


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